Form element

Use the form element to make a form yourself, so your visitors can easily leave you a message. The filled out forms can be e-mailed to you but you can always review them on the website.

Questions: Add/change fields

Here you can edit the form by adding questions. By clicking on a field type a new field of that type will be added to the form. You can change existing fields by clicking the orange pencil.

View the clip below to get an impression of how to edit your forms: (text is in Dutch)

Input fields

These fields are questions your visitors can answer, for example text questions or with multiple choice.

Layout fields

These fields can be used to give structure and context to the form, but are not fields the visitor can fill out.

  • Group
    Group fields together and label them, for example contact details.
  • Text
    Use this where an additional explanation is useful.


Here you can find all the forms visitors have filled out so far.


This is what the visitor sees as a confirmation that the form was filled out fully and saved. You can show a simple confirmation message on the place where the form usually is, or redirect the visitor to another page or website for more customization options. It is important the confirmation is set up properly so the visitor gets clear feedback that the form has been submitted and received.


Here you can set up where you want filled out answers to be sent to and how emails sent by the form should appear in inboxes. 

Subject: Set the email subject of the confirmation email visitors receive after submitting. 

Sender: This name and email address show up as the sender for all emails sent by the form, visitors can see this an can reply to this address.

Delivery address answers: Add addresses where the filled out answers will be sent. You can easily add multiple addresses by entering one on each line.